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Telco Customer Churn Prediction

Using Classification Model to identify the issue that trigger customers to terminate their contracts, compare their current package features and also to predict churn on an individual customer based on discounts, special offer, current package, facilities etc..

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Social Media Ads Forecasting

Using Regression Model to predict the impact of social media advertising on sales, which social media platform to have more budget and which platform to have less budget compared to each other.

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Sentiment Analysis on TripAdvisor

Using Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) to identify what is the most concern issue for the tourist during vacation including positive and negative feedback or review. At the same time to find out what is the current problem that facing by the tourist and what action should be taken according the main issue.

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Analyse Sentiments for Pfizer Vaccine Tweets

Study the subjects of recent tweets about the vaccine made in collaboration by Pfizer and BioNTech, perform various NLP tasks on this data source

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